Jana Irmert

»Soon there was no indigenous animal larger than an insect left«
Jana Irmert is a composer and sound artist who specializes in experimental electronics. With manipulated field recordings, noise and voice samples, she creates atmospheric landscapes of sound, in which ideas of time, transience, alienation and collapse often become central aspects. Her soundscapes are presented in various contexts – from live performances, multi-channel installations to film soundtracks and collaborations with artists such as Jóhann Jóhannsson, Klaus Maria Brandauer and Christopher Chaplin. Her debut album "End of Absence" was released in 2016, followed by "FLOOD" in 2018 and "Cusp" in 2020. She received the German Documentary Film Music Award in 2019 for her accompanying soundtrack to the documentary film "Stress" by Florian Baron.
Time Capsule 41
The ecological catastrophes experienced by islands exemplify, on a smaller scale, the worldwide
damage that humanity is causing in the course of globalization. Since the island of Mauritius wasn’t
home to any predators, the dodo lost its need and ability to fly, and instead lived on the ground in
harmony with its environment, until humans arrived and eradicated the species within a few decades.
Easter Island, one of the world’s most remote islands, was once uninhabited by humans and covered with
tropical rainforest. The largest palm tree of all time stood there, until the first canoes moored.
Soon there was no indigenous animal larger than an insect left, and an ecological catastrophe was well
underway, which finds its global echo in today’s 6th mass extinction.
Jana Irmert's music and experimental soundscapes and Mikael Vogel's poems combine to form a memorial
of extinction. A requiem for the exterminated.